I actually made a list of topics that I’ve been meaning to discuss, and of course I did not pick one of them. I often write articles while trying to go to sleep. The problem is, they are in my mind and the next day I cannot remember a thing. I guess they are out in the ethers somewhere, so if you find them let me know (ha ha).
Healing. I mean true healing. I have been really struggling. Not because I’m grieving my child, not because I eat horribly, or don’t do many of the right things to stay healthy. The grieving does contribute, but it’s more like icing on the cupcake.
I do want to address something up-front. You will often hear me talk about western medicine and how disillusioned I am with it and with MDs. That sentiment comes from years of frustration and angst with not only my own health, but with many loved-ones health. I’m still frustrated, but I know now that they are only doing what they were taught, and what they were taught is how to do surgery, how to prescribe medication, and how to look up symptoms and match them with probable causes (generally speaking). They – like many of us – were also taught, for example, that if the FDA says some mercury is safe then it is, so on and so forth. There are a few who are better, who strive to learn, but on the whole most are generally doing their best but with what they know. I don’t like to stereotype folks, but it is what it is.
So “going to the doctor” isn’t what I’m talking about here. I’m not trying to treat my symptoms…I’m trying to heal the root cause. Which lends to even more frustration! Why does healing take so long? Why is it painful? Why to so many questions! Oh, and I want the healing journey to be instantaneous. Then I remember it’s not a pill curing the symptom.
Oh, and if you’ve got an issue that an MD needs to address, please use your good adult judgment and go to the appropriate sort of doctor. I’m not here giving you medical advice.
1. You Didn’t Get This Way Overnight
That’s a huge one to remember. Most of us spent years upon years working on our ill health. Our bodies buckled under the strain until finally those sinuses gave way, or maybe the gums receded, or the cardiovascular system gave out. We used things like Roundup without understanding what it might do to us, ate shit tons of mac and cheese without abandon, and partied like it was 1999. All of the environmental factors, including your own INvironmental factors (i.e, your own body), play a part in which illness you develop, how bad it is, etc. etc.
Did you know that emotions play a part too? They do. If you’re engaged with your own body you will be able to recognize it. Just in case you’re not though, have you ever heard of someone getting upset and their blood pressure going up? There you go. Now extend that to anger, grief, and general stress. It really does a number on your and keeps doing it each and every time it is either consciously or unconsciously in play.
So bottom line up front, true healing isn’t quick and it isn’t always fun. It is going to take a minute, it’s going to take your dedication, and you’re going to have to sustain lifestyle changes.
2. You Will Have Healing Crises
You can Google “healing crisis” but here is a nice link to explain it if you aren’t familiar. Basically all of your symptoms get worse, and you think “OMG, this isn’t working!” But really it is, it just sucks really bad because you start detoxing in various ways. There is also a great Simpsons episode that explores this briefly, although it was subtle and most people probably didn’t realize what was happening.
The best thing I can tell you is stay the course! I bet it’s similar to stopping smoking. You finally get it out of your system, and know you can’t go back or you’ll pick it up again. Same with whatever you were doing to become dis-eased.
3. Your Symptoms Don’t Clear Up Overnight
I plan to write about the homeopathic journey I’ve been on since December and use my own examples. But you definitely won’t see things clear up overnight. It doesn’t work that way. You are slowly backing out of whatever you’ve already been through. It works the same way with chiropractic care when you have many or chronic issues.
For example, I have tremendous and horrible neck pain and migraines. They had gotten better but I think my body had just suppressed them. Now that I’m being treated actively, they’ve come out with a vengeance. In fact, I feel so shitty right now that I’m probably not giving this blog post my all. I’m not quitting though. I’ve come too far and am committed! (Hope if you’re reading this because you were looking for healing journey info, you are too!).
Anyway, my point is that this is going to take a bit for me to get rid of the migraines and fix whatever is causing them, and causing me not to hold an adjustment. It’s a process. It’s not take two aspirin and call me in the morning.
4. Also Take Care of Your Emotional Body
Healing isn’t just about the physical, there are emotional causes to physical dis-ease like I mentioned above. For example, grief has caused me to experience panic attacks and anxiety when I get emotionally stressed. It has become like a runaway train, and I can observe it calmly but can’t control my body actions. So that results in a lot of physical tension, which results in an uptick of migraines and neck pain.
That’s a pretty easy example, but here’s another well-known example in the metaphysical community at least…did you know that anger, if not processed, can cause cancer? What I mean is, if you “swallow it” rather than finding a healthy outlet – like me writing here – it will cause dis-ease in your body.
That’s all for today. I will get started writing about my journey with Homeopathy this week. It has been very interesting and has produced positive results.
Oh, and hang in there if you’re struggling like I am. Support each other!
Love and blessings,