The idea and frequency of Joy keeps coming up, over the years and even more so lately. I mean, it’s everywhere I turn it seems and yet no one in the media or mainstream discussions seem to talk about it at all. And I share with y’all so that maybe, if you are having similar issues or whatever, it will help you find your way.
Three times in the past week I have pulled the Five of Vessels – Ecstasy card from my Wildwood deck. Each time it was shuffled well, and each time the card was the first pulled and was reversed. This card represents the emotion of Joy and being reversed, meant it was clearly about me and what I needed to embrace. I’ve been having a lot of worry regarding “What if” type things. And I’m so slow to recognize a message! I even had someone tell me “well, what if things turned out wonderful?” That’s a great point! Now I just have to rewire my brain to get there.
But this is more than just me, and I know that because look around you at what’s occurring in the world. I am going to go down this road and tell you that “the powers that be” do not want you to be in a state of joy, because it’s more profitable to keep you in a state of fear and worry – and divided and bullying each other about who is right! It also helps them to help themselves because hey, if you are fearful and worrisome you’re more apt to ask them to save you no matter the cost. Look around now and you will see that is what is going on.
I am not telling you I have the entire solution, but apparently, Joy is an important part of keeping ourselves healthy and happy, even in the face of despair and destruction. I’m going to share something I recently got off of FaceBook, posted by someone named Bas Ha:
Hopi Indian Chief White Eagle commented a few days ago on the Kov id situation:
“This moment that humanity is living through can be considered a door or a hole. The decision to fall into the hole or go through the door is yours.
If you consume information 24 hours a day, with negative energy, constantly nervous, with pessimism, you will fall into this hole.
But if you take the opportunity to look at yourself, to rethink life and death, to take care of yourself and others, you will go through the door.
Take care of your home, take care of your body. Connect with your spiritual home. When you take care of yourself, you take care of others at the same time.
Do not underestimate the spiritual dimension of this crisis. Adopt the perspective of an eagle that sees everything from above with a broader vision.
There is a social demand in this crisis, but also a spiritual demand. The two go hand in hand. Without the social dimension, we fall into fanaticism. Without the spiritual dimension, we fall into pessimism and futility.
You are prepared to go through this crisis.
Grab your toolbox and use all the tools at your disposal. Learn to resist by the example of the Indian and African peoples: we have been and continue to be exterminated.
* But we never stopped singing, dancing, lighting fires and having joy.
Don’t feel guilty for feeling lucky in these difficult times. Being sad and without energy doesn’t help at all.
* Resilience is resilience through joy!
You have the right to be strong and positive. You have to maintain a beautiful, cheerful and bright posture.
This has nothing to do with alienation (ignorance of the world). It is a strategy of resistance.
When we walk in the door, we have a new view of the world because we have faced our fears and difficulties.
This is what you can do now:
– Serenity in the storm,
– Keep calm, meditate daily,
– Make a habit of encountering the sacred every day.
Demonstrate resilience through art, joy, trust and love. “
But we never stopped singing and dancing and having joy. That is really powerful! Are you brave enough to embody that? I am putting my best foot forward and invite you to put yours forward with me.
We are being made to fear each other. We fear that others will make us ill, will contaminate us, and that somehow by being in the same space together we are committing crimes against humanity. We are being taught not to question it (like how they had to misspell the illness name above – that was to avoid getting flagged and censored). The “don’t question” attitude zaps my joy more than anything. Seems purposeful.
I am not telling you what to believe. What I am telling you is that there is another way, and that way will lead you out of fear and worry and sadness. Will you have those emotions again? Absolutely. Will you stay there? Not if you can embrace some joy, hope, and love. I mentioned I know this first hand…I have been sad for 7 years now, but I found my joy again and it is one of the things that keeps me going and keeps me loving life. I laugh at silly things and get excited by beautiful things and by things I love to do and experience. Over this time, I have described many times how I still feel joy. I was even given a message about Joy quite awhile ago and wrote an article about making a joyful noise. In fact I apparently wrote about it twice and maybe a third! I’ve told y’all I am slow to respond to my guidance, but I’m finally understanding what they were trying to tell me thanks to the above FaceBook post. Wisdom comes from all around you – don’t discount it when it comes your way!
That’s all for now. Love and blessings <3