Take your pick. “Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you honey!” or “Mama I’m coming home.” Even with spiritual topics I have a barrage of pop culture references flowing through my mind. It connects me to this world and to that world so that I can bridge the two. We are meant to be both you know, not just one or the other.
We are in an astrological season where we are having many events happen in the sign of Scorpio. I am not an astrologer and only have a cursory understanding of how the planets work together to form geometry in the universe. But I recently did a deep dive into the physics of this topic and it was fascinating. I learned how that geometry expresses a harmonic, and that harmonic (sound and vibration) affects us here. Isn’t that fascinating? After understanding that it all made sense to me, at least on a basic level. I had yet to understand the relationship which is why I am explaining it to you now. Most of us – even believers – don’t understand it.
So that said, my rudimentary knowledge of Scorpio is that when something is affected by Scorpio, you enter a shit load of shadow work. Maybe even a Dark Night of the Soul. Maybe in simpler terms you face the darkness and your darkness. You are forced to sit with it and get to know and understand it before the light comes back in and cheers you back up.
Without listing all of the Scorpio influenced events, and I can’t because I didn’t record them, we had a Scorpio new moon way back in November (4th) and the recent lunar eclipse was in Scorpio. Tomorrow’s solar eclipse is in Scorpio. We haven’t faced all of our darkness yet or felt all of the scorpion’s stings.
Note that I am not commenting on the sign of Scorpio. I am not that well-versed. I also lean towards Vedic (sidereal) astrology vs the Western Tropical. If you’d like to learn more I suggest Joni Patry and Komilla Sutton.
My point in all of this is to say that if you are struggling, it’s expected. Try to really get the most out of this auspicious period and ride the waves to the other side. One way to do that is to focus on the spirit of this Holiday season (all of them). You don’t have to be religious to soak up all of the goodness of kindness and good will towards others. Do things that bring you joy and dump the rest. You can always update your traditions to fit your unique wants and needs. Do not feel guilty about that. If you love tacos instead of turkey, eat tacos for your holiday dinner. It’s really just that easy.
If you put out a lot of money and time and no one is happy including you, change what you are doing. Your family will likely push back. Why? No one likes change. It SCARES them! We hold traditions so sacred because it gives us the illusion of control over what we experience in life. So don’t throw it all out, but work together to find something that truly brings you joy instead of binds you into anger, guilt, and sorrow.
Also don’t be surprised if you find yourself going through a personal overhaul during this period. I mean your beliefs, your outlook, even your physical circumstances. I’m going through that myself right now. I actually had a dream two nights ago where I woke up asleep at the wheel. At first I was shocked that I had driven – even made turns! – without having a wreck. I was going over 60 mph too, and coming up on a car and had to apply the breaks after the initial shock was gone. This dream is absolutely self-explanatory, but I confess I’m not sure what to do now. Your dreams may be cloaked in symbolism, but you will always know what they mean to you. Those are the key words – TO YOU. You always get messages that you can decode.
I had another waking epiphany. It suddenly dawned on me that I have been childish in my life, and I know why but the feeling and realization indicates it’s time for change. I resented not being able to be a child. I was mentally mature for my age, but my mother was also very immature and I had to be the adult from about age 7 onward. I resented this and if I’m honest, part of me still does. It has played out in many forms but it’s time for me to grow up so to speak. That means making some changes. Change still sucks, but it will be ok.
During this epiphany, I heard the words “it’s time to come home.” And I knew then it was time for me to stop what I’m doing and come back to my authentic self. It was the next sleep that I had the asleep at the wheel message, and remember I woke up.
I would submit to you that it’s time for all of us to come home. I wish you much love and blessings on your journey there.