The Road Home

Some of you may remember that I type a title without knowing what I am going to write most of the time. Today was one of those times, but now I know exactly what I want to write. I was called to write, nudged if you will, and I answered that call and got back on the road towards home. Home is my calling, my purpose, my mission. I don’t yet know where Home resides, but I know that if I am headed that way then I’m going in the right direction.

Many of us want to know where the final destination is. We are working towards a goal. Personally, if I know where the endpoint is I can muddle – or suffer – through the journey. I often read the last page of a book or look up an emotionally difficult TV show episode to help me with that. But we can’t do that in life can we? Even knowing a probability for your life will influence the outcome, so the outcome will change even if slightly.

Knowing a fixed point will at least influence your journey. If I had known that Erin would die, how might I have proceeded differently? Would I have learned anything at all? I believe her death was a fixed point and I also believe that I would not have gotten the point(s) if I had known. Oddly it has kept me pointed in the right direction on my journey home, even though I stop and deviate along the way.

Writing is one area I have deviated. I have written about it before and don’t want to beat a dead horse, but I got sick of hearing myself talk. Funny how the inner dialogue never shut up though! Anything negative or positive just stayed bottled up in there and well, that’s not healthy either. My attempt to not identify with a specific story didn’t turn out very well.

At what point in talking do we stop being our story? I’m not sure but I’ve been pondering since listening to a recent KerryK video. I love her by the way so go check out her YouTube channel and her Plasma Light Tribe on her website. Do you have a story that you identify with that you didn’t realize defined your life? If you do post in the comments. I would love to explore it with you.

I don’t know how to not be The Grieving Mother. It has defined my life. But I am more and I am Becoming more every day. How do I still miss my daughter while not being that? How do I talk about the real life and implications of it without being it? I think that’s what I was looking to manage when I stopped writing. I still do not know how but I am going to set the intention for the highest good and roll with it. Suppressing has ruined my thyroid and left me with a frequent hoarse voice. My throat chakra is angry and wouldn’t you be if you had been silenced?

I’m glad to be back on the road home and welcome you to join me. We can walk alone and together <3


    • Carla H Woodard on October 11, 2024 at 11:42 am
    • Reply

    You made me cry a HAPPY cry thank you for sharing as usual life has been tough this year I lost my favorite brother Mark in March of this year on my birthday then my husband lost a brother in June and another a couple weeks ago you inspire me to be me and to be me with my grief the way I choose to be LOVE LOVE YOU #missingerin

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