
Author's posts

The Survival Cooperative

Another way of going around the fall of the American Dollar is to create your own Survival Cooperative. This means that you come together with a few friends and neighbors, and agree to pool your resources together into a “Survival Bank.” The bank can hold food, flashlights and batteries, guns if you must, tools such …

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Building a new economy

One of the doomsday scenarios that people are worried about that are pretty high on the feasibility list, is the fall of the American Dollar, which will cause Americans to have difficulty importing a lot of things. This will cause supply to fall, and prices rise. The thing is, if your country’s economy falls, as …

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Forgiving Atlantis

When we mention Doomsday, very few people will not have a reaction of either fear or denial. But When have we actually experienced a doomsday? NOT IN OUR LIFETIME. Not even in history. The last true doomsday that happened was during the fall of Atlantis, 12,500 years ago. And the planet remembers, and we are …

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It’s the end of the world, and the beginning of Heaven on Earth

Hello again, Mike Larry here. Masters create everything they produce, or trade for it if they can’t. They are self sufficient. But for those of us who do not consider ourselves masters, working together with others is a way up the ladder. I used to play this computer game where I play an ancient egyptian …

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Atlantis Rising

Mike Larry here. Let me talk a little bit about Quantum Physics. Quantum Physics is almost like Metaphysics. Let me count the ways. Quantum Physics says the Universe is made of information. Metaphysics says the world is an illusion. Quantum Physics says there is a Unified Field from which the world is projected like a …

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Conscious Creation: Love each other as I have loved you

Conscious Creation Rule # 7: Love each other as I have loved you Love makes the World go round. Heck, Love makes the Universe go round. But down here, love is there only if you put it there. That’s because we are creators, and we have free will. Well, maybe you can ask for it, …

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Conscious Creation: Harmony

Rule # 6: Harmony. Work with the angels. It would be great if you could take a break, take a day off, and just relax and connect with Nature. See how everything gets along with everything else. This is the balance of Nature. Guess what? You’re part of Nature! You’re a part that tries to …

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Coming together

Saint Germain used to say that if you’re going to create something, “Tell no-one” so that they cannot mess with its momentum. At least, tell only the people you’re working with. But if you’re going to create something that affects a lot of people, like your family, your country or the whole world, you can’t …

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Creating Heaven on Earth

Every time we have a happy thought, we create a little bit of heaven on Earth. Whenever we have a sad thought, we create a bit of hell on earth. This demonstrates that we have free will – the creator’s greatest  gift. It also demonstrates that we (humans) are His/Her greatest creation, at least here on …

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Conscious Creation

Hello, Mike Larry here. This is my first post. Thanks, Annaielle, for letting us become part of your site! I’m a metaphysicist. I see reality as one big puzzle, and it’s BEAUTIFUL! Today I’d like to speak of conscious creation. It has been said in the Bible that we humans are created in the image …

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