Every day, this is what I feel like inside. Some days are worse. This week, it has been worse and what that means is that I cannot keep it inside and it must come out. For those of you who are grieving along side me, I am so very sorry…for you…for us. Earlier in the …
Category: Blog
Mar 27
Musings for 3/27/2017
Greetings! I have no idea why I am saying Greetings but that was running through my mind. Actually it was Greetings Earthlings. I’ve always said I’m not from here LOL… Over the weekend I had a mixture of a lovely time and a huge change in perspective, along with some sadness. First let me tell …
Mar 15
Musings for 3/15/2017
Oh I just had to! Hehe! The Ides of March has given me some giggles this morning. I saw another where it was a Caesar salad and was just a bowl of lettuce with a bunch of knives stabbed into it. My kind of humor! All jokes aside (or maybe not), I decided this morning …
Feb 28
Musings for 2/28/2017
I was absentmindedly thinking today and suddenly got a download. I had asked my higher self to tell me how to lovingly communicate to others that fear is not the answer, and more so what that actually means since not everyone equates their emotions and actions with the core emotion of fear. It was then …
Feb 21
Musings for 2/21/2017
I had a post started for 4 days now. I finally deleted it after I admitted to myself that I am so far down in the dumps that writing about being excited about, well anything, was not the energy I am feeling. I need to work this out like a math problem so let me …
Feb 16
Musings for 2/16/2017
I have forgotten where I got this from so my apologies to the artist, but isn’t it gorgeous? It embodies my vision of my journey back to source. Could be Source, could be the source (beginning) of my journey, could be a next step. Who knows. All that I know is that I woke up …
Feb 06
Musings for 2/6/2017
I could not write over the past week because I have been so irritated. Irritated with people, with ignorance, with divisiveness, with their fears, and with their unkind and unloving manner. I don’t care who started it or who acted like x, y, or z. You end it. Stop acting like an ass. Or at …
Jan 30
Musings for 1/30/2017
Oh my goodness, can you even stand the hate? I can’t. Does everyone understand that the founding of America was done “illegally” and that we took someone else’s land when we invaded? I suspect in some cases, those who flocked here also fled as refugees from an oppressive government or some other type of situation. …
Jan 23
Musings for 1/29/2017
I hope TZ didn’t mind me sharing her quote. She has some great ones and I love whatever program this is that puts them into a graphic. I have been reading divisive words all day and it has taken it’s toll on me. I’m really not sure why I continued reading, or replying, to some …
Jan 18
Musings for 1/18/2017
I sincerely hope that Abraham-Hicks doesn’t mind me using their quote/pic. It had great meaning for me yesterday and that’s what I want to write about today. I have been quiet again. It’s hard to explain why I become paralyzed and unable to interact with the exception of meaningless posts on FaceBook, and for undetermined …