Boy do I have a lot to write about today, but first I will go ahead with the obligatory remembrance of 9/11. While some see it differently, me and many others like me saw it at the time as an event that resulted in an outpouring of compassion instead of something else. Compassion for our …
Category: Blog
Sep 09
Musings for 9/9/2016
What an exciting week! I hope everyone enjoyed all of the rocket and space sharings on FaceBook. Thank you for indulging my nerdiness and letting me share it with you. Several years ago I had the pleasure of taking a tour of the shuttle Atlantis before it was ready for it’s last voyage. I have …
Sep 07
Musings for 9/7/2016
Ah, September we made it! Ha ha! But seriously, at least for me September feels so much different than August. Even though we are in the middle of a Mercury Retrograde, and the sun has been spewing protons and electrons at us for days, and this and that, my September has really been fabulous so …
Aug 30
Musings for 8/30/2016
Ok, so I was wrong. Tomorrow is the last day of August 🙂 And on that day I have a lunch scheduled with my mother’s 2nd husband, Jerry. For some reason he likes my company, and in the many years that have passed I have let go of my disdain and anger towards him. He …
Aug 29
Musings for 8/29/2016
August is almost over! Yes! It is my most terrible month, symbolizing all that is horrible in my world. But you knew that already. What some of you may not know is that it used to be a favorite month, because it’s the month of my birthday. I used to celebrate ME a lot. So …
Aug 24
Musings for 8/24/2016
It is so hard to keep hope alive when you see the physical world crashing all around you. In recent few weeks, I have seen more people diagnosed as “eaten up with” cancer (as we say in the south). I have seen people with heart problems which are serious. I have seen people plunged into …
Aug 23
Musings for 8/23/2016
I have spent the last several days sick, and tired. I say that in amusement but seriously, so tired that I can hardly function. And of course I started feeling better by Saturday and then promptly kept plans to celebrate birthdays that evening, stayed out too late, and felt bad again on Sunday. I am …
Aug 12
Musings for 8/12/2016
Ok, so the irony is that I am here typing, but the reality is that I am in a mode again where I am unable to express. I forced myself to begin blogging again the other day and I think it has been helpful even though I haven’t followed through with much of anything else. …
Aug 11
Musings for 8/11/2016
Every day brings new understandings and discoveries. You just have to be aware of your thoughts and feelings and environment and then, well, it’s amazing what you notice. For instance, this morning I was sitting here working and felt a huge, horrible punch in my gut. I wasn’t consciously thinking of Erin, but I knew …
Aug 08
Musings for 8/8/2016
For those of you who follow it, today is the Lions Gate 8-8. On top of that, the energy coming off the sun is geomagnetic storm high and we are being bombarded with all sorts of cosmic energy. Good thing too, because otherwise I might just sink into a pit of despair. If you have …