I have had a lot of grief this week. It’s fresh, just like I picked it up from the store yesterday. Of course I do a lot of inner pondering and such, and one of the topics that I mulled over was living in the now. That’s a big thing you know. I actually enjoyed …
Category: Blog
Dec 10
Tribute to my Aunt, Shirley Dempsey Stephens
My beloved aunt Shirley shed her body on the evening of December 6, 2017. She died after a short bout of lung cancer that spread to her brain, and complications from her existing COPD. Her decline was fast, and I am thankful for that, having seen people linger – and suffer. Aunt Shirley was my …
Dec 05
Musings for 12/5/2017
Today I bring tidings of good cheer. LOL I don’t know where I get this stuff…it just pops into my mind and rolls off of my fingertips here. But truly, I had such a lovely experience today with my Uber drivers to Goddard and back that I want to share. My first Uber driver was …
Dec 04
Musings for 12/04/2017
This time I’m coming to you from Washington, D.C. I arrived at my hotel today and my room wasn’t ready, so I finally ended up eating lunch in the hotel bar and grill. There was a TV on behind me with our President speaking about downsizing some national parks. You know when they do that, …
Nov 30
Musings for 11/30/2017
I had a bittersweet day yesterday at my paternal uncle Therrell Hunt’s funeral. I wrote about it the other day, that I had not visited in a long time. It wasn’t as “bad” as I thought, but it was a little uncomfortable here and there as well-meaning people asked “Do you have any children?” and …
Nov 27
Musings for 11/27/2017
We made it through Thanksgiving. It’s one step ahead, then two steps back. For me anyway. I can be very personally self-destructive. I can’t blame all of my personal issues on missing Erin, but it certainly does not help. Doing some self-reflection, I have a little bit of anger over still having little bits of …
Nov 12
Musings for 11/12/2017
I have a lot of changes going on inside of me and don’t know where to start, but I feel like I want to try and quantify it in some way so here I am. I just published an article, the first I’ve written in a very long time. It probably wasn’t my best work …
Oct 31
Musings for 10/31/2017
I was going to post Erin’s last Halloween picture, but I couldn’t find it easily and gave up. This picture is from a 2014 A New Leash on Life FaceBook post, and includes a bunch of decorations that we donated. We only kept the things that were near and dear to us and to her. …
Oct 17
Musings for 10/17/2017
Yesterday was my mother Linda’s birthday. She would have been 74 years old, and in the picture she was 71 (her last birthday). I was going to post in her honor yesterday but was bummed about the date so held off until today. Mom loved parties and having a good time, so next time you …
Oct 14
Musings for 10/14/2017
I have not been excited about anything, truly, in a long time. So I thought first I would share with you something I colored in from my adult coloring book. I did this a few weeks ago but just could not get excited about it at that time. I keep reading that being creative will …