Musings for 1/2/2017 – Lighting the Way

I started this post many days ago and got only the title out before I was doomed to be in quiet for upwards of 2-3 weeks. In fact, I’m actually typing this second sentence hours after I began the first one for the second time this morning. If I have to brute force it, I want to talk about being a Light Bearer, Light Bringer, Way Shower, and Lighting the Way for others. Feel free to add your own phrase to the ones I came up with.

I listened to a YouTube video maybe 3 weeks ago that talked about this, and while it wasn’t a new concept, it clicked in a different way this time. A few years back I kept hearing the phrase “Firing the Grid.” That wasn’t a new concept either, but it was a strong suggestion given to me and a forum group I heavily participated in at the time. There is an energetic grid around the planet (some call them ley lines, earth lines, etc.), and EM energy runs on them. Places where they intersect are power points or nodes, and many ancient sites and cities were built there. In more modern times, the Catholic church built churches and cathedrals over the ancient sites to harness that power. This is a short history lesson…all of this you can research on your own on the Internet and in your local library.

But I was being shown more. I was being shown that every connection “we” (all of us) make, we leave a trail of light and create our own grids. Think of hundreds of thousands of light workers all over the world connecting with each other, creating a new light grid for the planet. Well it made sense at the time, and is still somewhat within my understanding of things. The point is, we leave a “trail of light” behind us wherever we go. Even on the internet or telephone. Light (photons) do not require our physical presence. It is energy and it goes where our consciousness goes.

Fast forward to the other day (or whenever it was), and the video I heard talked about lighting the way for others. Ah, a more expanded understanding on my previous one. Be the light. Light the way. Light=Love=Joy=Knowledge=Kindness=All That Is. Maybe not equals the way we understand it, but all of those things on the positive end of the spectrum. I’m also being told right now Gnosis, which simply means knowing.

This isn’t a new concept, but it IS a responsibility. Responsibility for your words and actions, for whether you spread kindness or hate, compassion or disdain, love or not love, you get the point. But it’s sort of like the pill in the Matrix. Once you take it, you are illuminated and changed. And most of us don’t want to go backwards. We now know that we are a lighthouse for others. For those who lost their way, for those who are in pain, for those who struggle, even for those who hate, abuse, and kill. BE THE LIGHT. LIGHT THE WAY. It’s so simple!

If I come across the video that sparked this I will post the link. Until then, my friends, Light the way for everyone you meet. Many of you have certainly lighted the way for me and continue to do so. I love you for that and for all that you are.

Namaste, Blessings, Nutsmaste, #missingerin and #LovingErin <3

Musings for 12/13/2016

I started this yesterday but was unable to finish. We have been keeping Anna Kate, Erin’s best friend, after school for the past week and I ran out of time before she got here. I wonder how hard it is for her? It was very hard for me the first day but now I find myself excited that she is coming, but sad at the same time because Erin should be here with her. She sits at Erin’s spot at the kitchen table and quietly listens to music and does homework and doesn’t talk with us until we engage her. I wonder if she remembers that was Erin’s spot? No one else sits there and in fact, we no longer use our table to eat on. But I’m glad she sits there. It’s nice.

I was going to write this yesterday as a letter to Erin, but it’s too depressing to do that. She was due on 12/12, and if she had been born that day, maybe her numerology would have laid out a different path for her. If you don’t believe in that fine, but everything is divine timing no matter what label you put on it.

Third birthday without her, coming up on third Xmas, already been third Halloween and Thanksgiving. And on top of that I have been sick since Saturday morning with a cold and stomach virus. Both of us have. I feel better now except for the dang sinus headache. I was off most of the day Monday but  unable to sleep due to a neighbor dog that keeps barking. It’s becoming a real nuisance, but anyway, not the dog’s fault. Oh one more thing to complain about…needed some top coat for my nails that I painted. Discovered I had given all of mine to my aunt along with some polish, so I checked my mother’s cabinet and there was some! I said thank you Mom, filled with gratitude. Come to find out I couldn’t open the darn bottle no matter how hard I twisted it. There has to be a message there but my desire to find it is lost. I opened the bottle after Anna Kate got here. So it must have been an energy thing.

I am unmotivated. I am uninterested in most things. And I find that I respond with irritation when asked to express my feelings on any subject (pretty much). I am going back into one of those quiet modes and can’t seem to do much about it. I have put a lot of time, effort, and money so far into studying for the PMP but really am not interested in it in the least. I’m not yet ready to take the test but need to get ready so that I can move on in whatever direction, but having finished the time and money investment. I don’t know if I’m unfulfilled because of my grief, or if it is just time for me to take a new direction in life. I’ve really got no clue whatsoever but hope that 2017 brings illumination.

We pretty much decided to forget selling the house at all. Neither of us has the energy for it. But I suspect that if the stars align and we see it, we will sell it anyway. But who knows. We have a 5 bedroom house that used to be a home. Now all that it’s good for is for drunk people to crash in when they can’t get a ride home. Sad but brutally honest and true. I don’t begrudge them that, and have a good time with my good friends who we let stay, but a comparison of life as a family and life now is sad and depressing. For those of you who feel trapped in your adult, family life…if it’s taken away you will miss it terribly.

I think I only have complaints and despair today so I am going to cut it short. Thank you though to everyone who remembered Erin on her birthday. There were many of you and we appreciated it immensely even if we were unable to say it. Thank you so much for loving our baby as much as we do.

#missingerin <3


Musings for 12/7/2016

Since “Bridge” doesn’t really sound good on a business card, maybe I will have some made up with “Transition Manager” on them. Not the business type of transition of course, but the personal sort (and maybe collective sort). I suppose that the more painful it is for me now, the less painful and traumatic it might be later when and if I am called to do this for my life’s work. As an empath, your pain is painful. My pain is unbearable. Right now I tend to avoid both, but seem to be going through some desensitization process.

I wish that I could tell you what my latest transition “job” is, but I can’t in order to protect privacy. I will say though that it is going to be rewarding, compassionate, and painful. And it’s the right thing to do, my duty, so I will forge on full speed ahead even if I am a crazy person inside.

But it’s still funny how things manifest in ways you never could have imagined. Even though I have been privy to some very awe inspiring things in my lifetime here, I never cease to be amazed. And that’s fantastic, because I love amazement and believe that my openness to it is a big part of why I am still here. The smallest thing can be amazing, and awe inspiring, and all sorts of wonderful things.

I also had the opportunity yesterday to explain the Christ Consciousness to someone. You have absolutely no idea how difficult it is to communicate to anyone – even someone on this path as long as me – what I have absorbed and grew into wisdom over this long period of time. How do you communicate that? And to someone who has no knowledge or little knowledge? Wow, but hey, I felt it flow out and was pleased. Any other time you could seriously ask me a simple question and the answer would be so complex in my mind that I simply can’t communicate it. Not yesterday though, and by the way that’s why I don’t write articles much anymore. I can’t organize them. Anyway, thank you to the person who asked the original question. I suspect that the gift was more for me than for you. Again, amazing how the universe works.

I also moved on to chapter 7 of the Christine Day material that I’m reading and doing audio meditations with. It was profitable and I had some energetic boons out of that. I love her book called Pleiadian Initiations of Light. She’s just one of those people you want to go and hug because her energy is so lovely. If you are doing inner work or want to unload some baggage without doing old school emotional clearing, I recommend this to you. The release is often subtle but powerful.

Today seems to be a new day, and 4 days before Erin’s birthday. I almost said 5. She was supposed to be a 12/12 baby but came a day early and changed her entire numerology. I can see the choice points that led us from there to here, and while they don’t make me feel better, I get it. I don’t miss her any less than I did a little over 2 years and 3 birthdays ago. In fact it F’ing sucks to be bluntly honest. Sunday you will likely find me doing something to engage my mind and not getting out to be reminded of it, or to see the neighborhood luminaries that I hear will be out that day. UGH. I will try to post on her birthday on, but it may be the day after.

Blessings, Namaste, Nutsmaste, #missingerin and #LovingErin

Musings for 12/5/2016

I can’t believe it is December. I am sure I blank that out in my mind as long as I can so that I don’t have to face December. Erin’s 13th birthday is coming up on 12/11 and then there is the dreaded Christmas holiday. UGH. Funny how something we loved so much is now so dreaded and hated. I don’t expect you to understand, though, and I’m glad you don’t actually. If you don’t understand, you are still living the dream of being with your loved ones, and I’m reluctantly happy for you.

I almost did not write reluctantly, but let’s face it, I covet what you have. I can’t help it and have stopped apologizing for it. It physically hurts me to see your happy family when I walk down the street of my neighborhood, or when I go to the grocery store, or anywhere else. Even seeing fake families (like on TV) hurts. The whole gd thing hurts and it sucks. Now that I have gotten that out of the way…

I had another realization last week after my last post that I was reluctant to accept, and I mean about being there for people when their body dies. For many years I have known that I am a bridge. I am the person who can bridge the gaps between “groups” and individuals and find common ground. Sort of an ambassador of sorts, bridging one reality with another. I’ve long thought my journey would bring me to some sort of employment where I did that on a daily basis or as a primary task, and knew that as things change in our world I could help others to bridge the gap and transition without fear. Well la dee dah, what did I think I was doing sitting with people while they die? Thanks universe. I guess you gave me what I asked for in a weird way. I do hope that my presence and energy assisted them with their transition, and as I said I would do it again if called to do so. UGH. But on another note, nothing else could possibly be quite so hard so touche universe. Did I complete my training well?

I received a call from the family member that I had mentioned was upset, etc. To respect privacy I plan to be very vague but there is a reason that I mention this. I still disagree wholeheartedly with that person’s words and thus views; however, the sentiment from both of us was LOVE. And really, isn’t that what matters? I talk about it a lot and I realize that not everyone is in the same “space” as I am regarding unconditional love. But there was nothing more to discuss. I love you was both of our message. It was what mattered. I don’t have to agree with that person or condone their actions or words, but I do love them unconditionally. And I believe that love will transform both of us. I don’t have to be attached to how or when because none of those are important.

Now, please don’t misunderstand. You can love unconditionally and still not place yourself in an unsafe or unloving situation. An example: I may have unconditional love for my abusive boyfriend but it would not be safe to have him in my life. I would thus leave the situation immediately and love myself enough to do so. Unconditional love does not mean subjecting yourself to abuse or danger. I recommend Matt Kahn for more on this topic, and echo his repeated sentiments that if you are in any danger to leave the situation immediately.

Other than this, I am internally in some eruptive state like a volcano. A lot is boiling under the surface and I have a very short attention span as well as bouts of, well, lots of things. I can’t sleep then I can’t wake up, I am jittery and yet lethargic. I certainly cannot meditate at this time. Even my sacred space (inner space) is having an earthquake as I discovered last night. December is just not a good month.

I guess that’s all for today. I have also decided to start writing articles again. Some may be on the blog, and for you non-interested folks I’ll keep my daily (yeah right, lol) blog called Musings and will title anything other appropriately.

Love, Blessings, Peace, Prosperity, #missingerin and #LovingErin <3

Musings for 11/29/2016

I apologize for being MIA for so long. I left to go to a beautiful wedding in Atlanta, GA the weekend before Thanksgiving. I had a fun and eventful time for many reasons, some of which I will probably write about here. But almost as soon as I returned, my husband’s father Larry had a massive stroke and died Tuesday before Thanksgiving. That kicked off several days of day-long obligations and exhaustion before we could finally bury him yesterday.

Some of you may have lost count, but Larry was the 5th close family member that has died within the last 2 years. Unfortunately for me, he is the 4th close family member that I have sat with while they took their last breath. Seeing someone die is, well, there are no words. It is horrifying and yet if you can distance yourself from it it’s also beautiful knowing they are leaving the confines of the body. When my Erin’s body died, it was surreal, but with the others I have been painfully aware of their struggle. Watching them gasp for the last breath is, again, no words.

I do not know why this has suddenly been thrust upon me. I say suddenly – yes it’s been two years but it seems very recent. And please don’t tell me that I could refuse or leave. Once you have the opportunity to be there with someone you love, living or dying, for support, it is your duty. That sort of duty you put above all others and you choke back your emotions and you do it. You comfort them – the living and the dying – and you love them.

I admit, though, that much like what I assume a social worker goes through, I am struggling with the experiences. First there are the experiences, then you sit and smile at the well-meaning people telling you all sorts of crap about how it will be OK (it won’t) and why (most of it pure BS), then come people who try to take advantage of the bereaved, and then there is the paperwork and logistics that a life is reduced to in death. Most people don’t know that if their elderly parent’s social security is paid before a certain day of the month you have to pay it back depending on the day their death falls on. That’s a rude awakening if you aren’t a rich person. I still get insurance statements for my mother almost 2 years later. There are constant reminders.

Yesterday when we got home from the funeral, I checked the mail. The top item in my mailbox was a damn American Girl catalog, which made me cry. Maybe it was Erin saying hello after Papa’s (pronounced Pawpaw) funeral. I know that her soul lives, just as the others do, and I think the universe is determined to have everyone around me die until I really get that and am able to work within that belief system finally.

Another thing bothering me is the inhumanity of all of us humans. People in my neighborhood are talking about killing coyotes and “what do we do with the carcasses?” How callous is that? They are living things, and we moved into their homes when this farmland, which is in the country by the way, was developed. People call each other names, have no regard for life, and live in a state of fear and retribution of some sort of on a constant basis. I would be disgusted by my vibration isn’t that, it’s just confusion and overwhelming sadness. I would ignore it all but how can I? The polarization of our planet is real and it’s downright scary.

And then there’s the unethical guy at work, the person who makes me want another job. I just can’t abide it anymore, and it’s depressing. If I had Zeus’ thunderbolt I would smite all of these people, but would be sad about that too afterward. There seems to be no win-win.

But I know things are darkest before the dawn. I don’t see the light yet but surely it is there, somewhere.

Blessings, and #missingerin <3

Musings for 11/15/2016

Well that was intense! The Supermoon brought with it a lot of energy and it permeated everyone and everything on our planet. If you didn’t feel it, well, I don’t know how you didn’t feel it. Increased energies can manifest for you as just that, or it can be felt as anxiety, emotions, and irritation if you aren’t used to it.

Personally it made me tired. Very tired. I have been in a daze for about 3-4 days now and am trying hard to break out of it because I have stuff to do. I’m about to go out for a lunchtime jog and I’m not sure I’m up for it. But I have to wear dress clothes later in the week, and the roll on my abdomen reminds me that I need the jog. Wish me luck.

I have been wondering what the point is and have been very depressed. Look, until the day I’m with my girl again I will be depressed on some level. Some days are better than others obviously, but these past few weeks since Halloween have been hellish. That said, I was reminded yesterday why I haven’t made a transition in another area of my life that I have felt stuck in. It turns out I had the chance to make some behind the scenes changes happen, or at least be the catalyst for them. Those changes are, at the root, about equity and balance as well as ethics and integrity. I had no idea that I still had work to do there but I did or do, and so in understanding that I can stay a little longer in this space. I am sorry that I can’t be more specific but maybe one day I can.

This little microcosm in my life is indicative of the world stage where the old guard being forced to change or get the F out of Dodge. The old way(s) doesn’t work anymore because we the people demand change, we demand integrity and truth, and ethical behavior. So I am perfectly fine with stepping a little out of bounds in order to make that happen and am quite amused about it to be honest. Check and mate but in a good way – service to others.

There is so much going on in the world and in my world (internally) that I can’t seem to put much more to words. So wish me luck on my jog (Freudian slip? I initially wrote job.). It’s 30 minutes of “Is this over yet?” every time I exercise. Another small piece of the whole of my life.

Simply #missingerin today. Blessings.

Musings for 11/9/2016

Last night was a hard night. I became somewhat depressed as Shaun and I were headed out to buy new undershirts. You know, the thing is, I never know when that is coming. It just arrives like an uninvited guest and takes over the whole party. So I got in the car that way, but tried to make conversation and shoo it away.

I guess I pissed It off though, because half way to Marshall’s something he said took me into a full blown PTSD moment. You have no idea what that is like if you have never experienced it. I sure didn’t, and might have even thought it wasn’t real (I don’t remember). Trust me – it is real. They come on like a movie but in virtual reality – sound, color, moving pictures, smell, and most of all feelings. The feelings overcome you and there you are, back in a moment that was painful. PTSD never brings back happy moments.

This particular moment was of me yelling at Erin. I was perhaps angrier with her than I ever had been, and it wasn’t really even her fault. I was angry with Shaun, and she said something that sounded like a repeat of what she had heard, and I flew all over her. It was sometime in 2014 and we were in the car. It was incredibly unfair and I’m sure it was incredibly hurtful to her and I never apologized. Re-experiencing that last night was so painful that I wished for death, as I could not take it anymore. All of this and it’s going on inside of me, not visible to the outside. I don’t know what is worse, holding it all in or the experience. It was awful to say the least.

I had no idea why I decided to share this with you until after I wrote the last sentence. I know that a lot of people have taken this election rhetoric as a license to say hurtful things. Please, don’t. Most people probably aren’t awful people and if that is you, those things you say will overwhelm you with regret one day. You can’t unsay them, and even if you have the luxury of apologizing they will come back to haunt you in the form of deep regret, shame, and sorrow. Your actions too…you cannot undo a hateful or unkind action.

Aside from my obvious sorrow, I have relived every unkind word and action to my daughter, and some to my mother, over and over again since their bodies died. I do not do it on purpose. You won’t either, and it will be painful. It is painful enough for me to wish for, and sometimes even beg for, death. But it won’t end there either, as my soul will forever carry the knowledge and experiences.

Our world needs kindness more than ever. Please be kind and gentle, loving and compassionate. <3

Love, Peace, and Blessings. #missingerin and #LovingErin

Musings for 11/8/2016

So we are finally here at #ElectionDay2016. I have had more than one person chide me for not using my voice, for not doing my duty, for poo pooing on those who fought for our right to vote, etc. I am still NOT voting. I am registered to vote but I choose not to.

Not that I have to explain myself, but I want to. I have long known that I am a system buster. People in the metaphysical arena will understand that but some won’t, so basically a system buster is someone who has a purpose to inject new thought, new ideas, stir the pot, etc. to “bust up” an entrenched system. There are probably millions of us alive on the planet. Those of you who know me know that I’m often a Devil’s Advocate, and I may step in and stir the pot and back off just to see the ingredients erupt and reform. I don’t actually like doing that most of the time. I do it because of some inner nudge that I can’t ignore, as if it’s encoded into me. Then my part is done, hence why I back away.

I really don’t like the conflict and only engage when that inner nudge is so strong that I can’t help myself. It’s part of who I am – Nicole Canter, System Buster Extraordinaire. I have many business cards with various roles attached to them! hehe

But back to why I am not voting. Those who fought for the right to vote, they were system busters too in their own way. Those who founded our country, then those who were not landowning white males who fought for theirs, and later people of color and females. Each of them busted up an entrenched system that did not serve the people anymore (remember the other day I wrote about We the People? **smile**). But hey, our system no longer serves the people either. For many reasons this is so. It’s past the point of fixing, and no I don’t claim to have a solution. And disclaimer: I absolutely do not condone violence of any kind unless you are clearly defending life and limb.

Still, I admit that I didn’t have much more to even offer myself when I asked me why aren’t you voting, other than “the system if broken.” Well so what – what does that mean for me? I then realized that we each live in a microcosm of the macrocosm. If the system at large is broken, so is my system. And in a somewhat new method for me, I decided to remove myself from the system by not voting. And that, my friends, is liberty. For me anyway, today, this election. If it is not for you then so be it. I still pay my taxes, I’m a law abiding citizen, and I uphold the tenets of national security as per requirements of citizenship.

All of that said, many of our heavenly and galactic family have been predicting a Donald Trump win for months now. Christine Preston is one of the most vocal channels of this, and I invite you to review her work and see her accuracy as I’m pretty sure he will win myself. I really had a hard time understanding this at first because I do not care for him or his character. However, I saw him take on the establishment and he is winning (System Buster!). He is a catalyst for change. I am not voting, but I am excited to see where this takes us. It feels like a “make or break” situation for the entire world. Making logical sense isn’t so important when you feel it with your heart.

And with that I will leave you to go vote or otherwise. We live in interesting times, so pay attention my friends!

Peace, Blessings, Namaste, Nutsmaste, #missingerin and #LovingErin <3

Musings for 11/3/2016

vWelcome to the revolution. In case you have not noticed, that’s basically what we are experiencing on multiple levels of existence both physical and non-physical. People are angry about the status quo, ideas are changing, and our leadership is about to change in a huge way regardless of who is elected. If this revolution either peaks, or starts in earnest, on 11/8/2016, the numerology for that day is a 1. And the only way to look at 1 is unity and new beginnings. I admit, I was surprised when I added it up (1+1+8+2+0+1+6=19=1(0)). And yes, it comes out the same way no matter how you add the numbers (i.e., 11+8+2016=2035=10).

I also looked up the meaning of the word revolution to see if it was actually how I am viewing it. Webster’s says:


  • : the usually violent attempt by many people to end the rule of one government and start a new one

  • : a sudden, extreme, or complete change in the way people live, work, etc.

  • : the action of moving around something in a path that is similar to a circle

Now I admit, I have been worried about an eruption of violence even before I caught on to our little revolution going on here. There is a lot of hateful speech, and a lot of hateful actions. It is likely that there may in fact also be a sudden and complete change in the way people work and live very soon (for many reasons). But it’s also very probable that we have also moved full circle, grown up if you will, and made our way back to a space where we can live in peace and harmony, with different ideas and attitudes fueling our journey. We have just recently completed the Great Year, or Grand Precession, the 25,800 year circle around our central Sun (Sirius). That’s quite an accomplishment and a grand time to be alive (pun intended). So yes, we have indeed come full circle.

What really prompted me to write this today was a conversation yesterday with a friend about how to bring about change. It just flowed from me that We, the People, must embody the change before anything will change. It must be in our Hearts and in our Minds. Ideas and Feelings. When we embody change, truly embody it, then we act and react differently. We act from love and not fear or hate. The Standing Rock Sioux and their supporters are embodying that now, showing us how to persist in love and non-violence when in the face of great force and great violence. They are there “protesting” yes, but they are also the epitome of embodiment. Truly a living force of love and logic. How is it not logical to protect the water that gives us life? <3

I also had a well-meaning person tell me yesterday not to expect hate to go away, because we are products of original sin. I disagree, and I hold myself to a higher standard and you too, friend. Some man wrote that down into a book called the Bible and people fell for it. If you believe in a God, you also know that any loving parent wants their children to learn and mature into beautiful, loving beings. That’s all there is to say.

We are living in exciting times my friends, so take note of what is going on around you for this may be the most exciting time in our known history to date. No matter who wins the election, I suspect it will be a catalyst for great change. But it’s up to We the People to make the changes positive ones, and to be the people we can be proud of. Most of all, we are all in this together. The show “Last Man on Earth” may be a funny idea, but truly, none of us can make it on our own, and we were never meant to.

Peace, Love, and  Blessings. #missingerin, #LovingErin, Namaste and Nutsmaste <3 <3 <3


Musings for 11/2/2016

nine-year-cycleThis week I have been somewhat bombarded with messages about cycles ending and things coming to completion. I did a tarot reading for a friend and all over her reading was the number 9. I used a graphic from the Mystical Numbers website, and this is what they say about 9:

This is the time to come to terms with all that you have accomplished during the current cycle.


Now is the time to wrap things up. You also need to forgive and forget whatever you have lost or not accomplished.

OK, don’t laugh too hard with me. I don’t feel I have accomplished too much but I will at least tell you an interesting story of events below.

My friend’s reading was the first clue that I got, but nope, I didn’t notice it. Anyone who gives psychic readings, tarot readings, etc. usually notices not only a pattern for the day or week, but also that most of their clients are going through the same things that they are, at least on a high level. I think the universe designs it like this so that you get some bang from your buck while you are spending your time reading. (If you note that money isn’t the only thing exchanged with clients, bravo!)

So anyway, I was completely oblivious to what was in it for me. Or rather the revelations that the next few days would bring.

I should note that while I have processed through a lot of baggage regarding my childhood and relationship with my mother, there are residuals there. The Cliff Notes: Bad childhood, irresponsible and alcoholic mother (father died when I was 4), grew up very dysfunctional as a human and am still moving through it at age 45.

For the past two days I have been seeing two different things come up. One is the 9 year cycle, and the fact that we are finishing a cycle that began in 2007. Remember, 9’s are completion. You (hopefully) master it and then move to something new and more exciting. Second, the 4 year cycle that began on 12/21/2012 is coming to an end. This 4 year cycle was a holding period, almost a period of “no time” so to speak, between the end of the Mayan long calendar and, well, the New. 4 is a number associated with the heart as the heart chakra is the 4th chakra.

I don’t know what you had going on back in 2007, but my step father died on 1/20 of that year and threw my world, and my mother’s, into complete chaos. He left her destitute (and I am not joking – I mean that literally) and eventually homeless when his children repossessed her home, and whether or not she had it prior, she spiraled into the dementia that finally killed her. It was difficult at best. I could write an entire book describing her behavior and all of the anger I had dealing with it. Most of all, I had for most purposes become the adult in my house around age 7, and here I was again, as an adult trying to live my life with my own family, having to be the Mother again to her when I really didn’t want to be. It was her job, and she was never up for it. It really sucked and I don’t recommend anyone “doing that” to their children.

Fast forward to 2012…the unthinkable happened when Mom had to move in with us. It changed our lives, ruined them actually, and she was diagnosed with dementia formally that year. I believe my daughter also developed the alleged lymphoma that eventually killed her that year, as that fall she had swollen lymph glands under her armpit for the first time. You will have to read the entire story at Missing Erin, as I can’t bear to retell it. Regardless of what fate had in store, I know that my mother being here was a catalyst for the whole damn thing, and it really did ruin the last 2 years of Erin’s life, and that is a fact even though at that point my mother couldn’t help it.

I had high hopes for 2012 and also for 2014, years that ended very badly. I thought they were the end of something and the new was beginning. I had no idea I was in a holding pattern that was going to transform my Heart and all that the heart means and is.

So I guess seeing so much mention of these two cycles coming to completion gives me some sort of hope. I have a lot to spiritually show for it but you know, what I want physically is not here. But wait, I’m not done yet.

Over the last two days I had a bit of an ongoing argument over language and judgment towards females. I finally blurted out that I was tired of the judgment and of judging. I’m just so tired of it, no matter who it’s toward or what it’s about. I don’t want to do it anymore, and I don’t want to listen to others do it. There seems to be nothing but disdain, double standards, ugly words, and unfair judgment towards people these days and such little love and acceptance. I’m tired and tired of that. I don’t want to play this game anymore for sure.

Once I said this idea, the other person reminded me of the harsh judgment I have passed on my mother all of these years and how I am now telling them to stop judging anyone for the same things. Ah, they were right. It was true and I admitted it. I would never have seen this if I had not had this argument etc. I have been working a lot on “letting go” and was surprised to see this come up to let go of.

The truth is, I have very harshly judged my Mother for her behavior and lack of responsibility over my entire life. I was bitter that I didn’t have a childhood where I could just be a kid. I was forced to grow up very fast, and I have gratitude for the fact that I was able to adult at such a young age. I was very mature mentally for my age, but that came at the price of my emotional maturity. Like I said, I’m still working on that.

It is bittersweet to look back on the design of things, how I was the Mother so young, then tried desperately to reclaim my childhood by avoiding responsibility. Even when I was a mother myself, I rejected it in many ways. I certainly rejected mothering my mother again in 2012. And now I’ve had the last 2 years to come to terms with all that I regret, all that I have lost, who I don’t want to be and who I am. My heart has died and been reborn with more love than I can communicate in words but at what price? I would pay the price again because I know the value, but it makes me sad to think of the cost.

Wish me luck in purging this residual – ?? – that I have discovered. And wish us all luck in this next cycle beginning in 2017. We sure need it don’t we <3

#missingerin and #LovingErin , Namaste and Nutsmaste <3