Tag: grief


I am fully committed to titling these posts instead of using the Musings tagline that I started awhile back. I mention this because it always amazes me how the titles come to life. Those of you who are my FB friends know that Puppy died on Friday evening. I had suspected something might be wrong …

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Musings for 2/12/2018

Greetings all. I have been on business travel, and sick, for the past month (not in that order) so have not written in awhile. I have thought about writing though, as I’ve had some interesting experiences. Since I don’t know when the last time I shared was, forgive me if you already knew that I …

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Musings for 1/9/2018

Today I attended the second funeral in less than a week down at Spry Funeral Home on North Parkway. I actually meant to post about the first one last week, so let me say a short bit about that. A dear friend’s mother died, someone who was like a second mother to me in high …

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Musings for 8/5/2017

I realized that I in fact did not finish my lament two days ago. I meant to write yesterday but got distracted when the cable/internet went out for FIFTEEN HOURS just around 3:30 pm yesterday. We knew how long it was out because Shaun couldn’t sleep and was up when it came back on. I …

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Musings for 4/19/2017

UGH is today’s word, brought to you by Grief Street. I know many of you are there with me, and if not you are nearby on Depression Avenue. I know because you have been kind enough to open up to me about your struggles and now we share a bond. An extra special bond of …

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Musings for 10/27/2016

I had this all written out in my mind just before I went to sleep last night. I do that sometimes with things like emails, return texts, this. I do it down to the periods and commas. Then I wake up the next day and in my mind (LOL) I have already replied and forgotten …

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Musings for 10/5/2016

Making myself communicate again 🙂 Sometimes I am full of thoughts, write an entire blog post in my mind, but I just can’t put it on paper. I have been having highs and lows lately, and if I wait just a few minutes to begin writing then I find myself in a low again and …

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More Love

Where do I start? I have wanted to write something since late December, but was pretty much debilitated and unable to do so. December was a grueling month and it lasted into January for Shaun and I both. So much to say, so many interrelated topics. Let me start with what I think may be …

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Honoring Uncle Joel

Many of you know my Uncle Joel, either because I post pictures of him when we visit, or because you’ve met him or I’ve told you about him. He loves to have his picture taken and is a great poser for the camera! You can see that from this picture can’t you? **smile** I really …

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The Sad Reality of “Holidays”

I don’t write this just for me, but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t on my mind. For most people holidays generally suck to varying degrees. Think about it…I bet almost all of you have at least once realized how little you enjoy the whole thing due to the stress of it. Stress …

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