You’ve gotta love the messages that guidance sends. Like when you know good and well your num lock is on, but nothing but / comes out when you type the date on your blog post. Does that means I’m in Zero Point? Golly, that sure would be nice. Yeah I said that sarcastically in Gomer …
Tag: #lovingerin
Oct 11
Musings for 10/11/2016
Today I feel like I am ready to pop and literally vomit all that is within out onto you. But I really don’t want to do that. Maybe you didn’t ask for it. I tried posting food for thought on FaceBook but people take it as if they have to oppose and get mad. I …
Oct 10
Musings for 10/10/2016
Today’s theme is simply UGH. There are lots of things to be UGH about. Most of them are trivial when you look at the bigger picture, but still, they bombard us on a near constant basis unless we truly live off the grid. UGH the elections. If you are one of the people who still …
Oct 05
Musings for 10/5/2016
Making myself communicate again 🙂 Sometimes I am full of thoughts, write an entire blog post in my mind, but I just can’t put it on paper. I have been having highs and lows lately, and if I wait just a few minutes to begin writing then I find myself in a low again and …
Sep 24
Musings for 9/24/2016
I meant to write several days this week but it wasn’t coming out. In fact I’m still a bit verbally constipated (hehehe), but I feel like I have to speak so here goes. This past week was the equinox and a continuance of the cosmic energies coming onto our planet and thus into our bodies. …
Sep 21
Musings for 9/21/2016
Today I want to write about the bounty of love and what it means to be without fear. They go hand in hand. You cannot be in the vibration of love and be fearful in any meaningful way. It sounds cliche, but Love truly conquers all, is all you need, blah blah and etc. etc. …
Sep 12
Musings for 9/12/2016
Today’s blog has a more serious tone. Sorry folks, but sometimes we have to really open our eyes to what is happening around us. I have long felt that the most important thing to open our eyes to, though, is to ourselves. What brought this up for me was last night trying to sleep, I …
Sep 11
Musings for 9/11/2016
Boy do I have a lot to write about today, but first I will go ahead with the obligatory remembrance of 9/11. While some see it differently, me and many others like me saw it at the time as an event that resulted in an outpouring of compassion instead of something else. Compassion for our …
Sep 09
Musings for 9/9/2016
What an exciting week! I hope everyone enjoyed all of the rocket and space sharings on FaceBook. Thank you for indulging my nerdiness and letting me share it with you. Several years ago I had the pleasure of taking a tour of the shuttle Atlantis before it was ready for it’s last voyage. I have …
Sep 07
Musings for 9/7/2016
Ah, September we made it! Ha ha! But seriously, at least for me September feels so much different than August. Even though we are in the middle of a Mercury Retrograde, and the sun has been spewing protons and electrons at us for days, and this and that, my September has really been fabulous so …